गुरुवार, 28 मार्च 2019

Motivation quotes and Speech in English

Motivation quotes and Speech in English:-
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Motivation quotes and Speech in English:-
Motivation quotes and Speech in English:-

Do not be a slave of fate, If you want success, be selfish. Motivational quotes and speech in English.
If you want success, be selfish. Motivational quotes and speech In English.
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Selfish or selfish - What is the first thought in your mind when you hear this word?
Our mind comes in the picture of a person who often cheats others for his fate.
But do you know that if you make a selfish or selfish person in a right way, then we can achieve a lot in our life, without any mischief, without any deceit.
Hello friends welcome you all on the TV and today we will talk about a quality that is found in almost every successful person, if you have created this quality within yourself - believe that you are very unwanted Situations that can inadvertently leave you unhappy - depressed and upset.
To be successful, motivation quotes and speech in English:
Today we will talk about selfishness - should it be within us - and if and how it should happen then how and to what extent should we ...
Often, the person who deceives others for his own sake, we call people selvesh,
But do you know that most of the people around you are always waiting to take a false step, but I would say that people who always try to be good, people use them very badly,
I know this has happened to you many times - so when I tell you to be selfish, it does not mean that you deceive someone - just try so much that you do not want to tell every person to do that work. Which is not necessary or beneficial for you.
Meaning you become useful for the people but do not let anyone use it yourself. What happens often - do not feel bad for the good of anyone or do not hurt anyone so we also say yes to many such things - which leads to our own loss - now this loss can be of our time and our Money can also be. And it can also be of our happiness.
You always have such a lot of people who know that you will not deny them, so they often make many pressure on you - now it is in this condition that you can not deny them and who they It is said that you do not mind to do it - and doing so, you forget the purpose of your life,
But if you look at any successful person, then you will see this thing clearly in his character that they are very clever about their decisions about their own things - they never lose their losses to please anyone. To do so- they have full time to focus on themselves - due to which they always keep on moving forward
Friends, if you also want to avoid avoiding unnecessary tension then learn to say non-essential things - and focus on yourself.
The question of today is that do you also pay attention to more than yourself?
Answer Remark in Voices:
Do not be a slave of fate, motivational quotes and speech in English:
A lot of people want to get a lot of things in their life, many people are desperate to prove themselves, a lot of people are pained inwardly - they are yearning to fly in this open sky like a free trap,
A lot of people want to do a lot but they are imprisoned, they are imprisoned behind those unseen walls where they can not get out. Walls of relationships, walls of society, walls of poverty - fear of spreading, fear of not doing anything, and no such walls which prevented these people from coming forward. But what is the truth? Are these walls really so strong that you are just stopping because of them -
motivational quotes in english:
Motivation quotes and Speech in English:-
Do not know the story of an elephant's child - how his master always tied his last leg with a rope in his childhood, in fact, at that time his master had not tied his last leg, he had tied the elephant's mind - one Once he tied the elephant's mind and then the elephant became his slave forever.
The elephant's mind set the unseen walls all around here, which your mind has kept standing around you today. Look at you in your eyes - you have become the slave of this mind - the walls you are seeing - there is no existence of them - these are all done in your mind - recognize yourself, understand your strength - you are a free and powerful Be human - Do not behave like a slave. Try to look across these false walls -
I know that you also dream - you are also troubling inwardly - you are upset to prove yourself - you have a lot of good ideas in your mind - and you know if any of these ideas are also work If you are done then your life will change but you are not applying them in your life -
Reason: The walls created by these unseen minds - who have captured you-
The person can not decide whose birth is to be born or how to be born in the environment - but how is that person to live his life - what kind of life does he want for himself - he has to decide only, so think About this - why do not wait - for whom are you waiting - Break today, these walls - be it free - Today is the time - What life do you want to live - Choose for yourself today.
Thank you.... ..........
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