रविवार, 17 मार्च 2019

How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips

How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips:-
How to rank a blog Post in Google Search and 5 SEO Tips to Rank Blog post:- How to rank a blog post in google search. I will tell you 5 SEO tips to rank blog posts, which you can rank your blog very soon. You can get good traffic on Google page, every blogger has a dream, that I rank my blog's post on Google's first page. We all know that the more you get traffic on Google, the more money you get. I will tell you about How to rank a blog post in google search and SEO tips, which every new blogger wants to know about it. You can read the best solution to this question in this post.How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips:

How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips to rank blog post:
And in this world, Maximom Bloggers are making blogs to make money online. There are just a few bloggers who will be blogging on the shoals, whose purpose is not to earn money, just share their views with the people and share them with those bloggers. It does not make any difference to the fact that the blog also has to rank. Kher comes to our main topic that blog ko rank kaise kare and more of his blog Ost brought to the page google the 1st.
How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips to rank blog post in google search engine:
Ranking a blog is not a difficult task but it is very easy to use only one and only one tricks and its name is SEO whose full form is search engine optimization. All professional bloggers have posted their post on Google's 1st page. And as soon as his post ranks, more and more organic traffic starts coming to his blog or website.
How to rank the blog post in google search engineFor this you have to first submit your blog/website in google  search console , so that Google gets the information to index your post when google will know about your website only if it is your post.

How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips to rank blog post in google first page:
Will show in your search result if you do not know how to submit a blog or website in the search console, you can read this post for us.
5 SEO Tips to Rank Blog:
1 - How to rank the blog-  For this you have to first select the keyword which you want to write a post, always pick a keyword whose competition is the least, meaning that if you are writing a post on a keyword which already has millions of posts If you have written it will take a lot of time to rank your post, and often new bloggers get annoyed by the fact that traffic does not come to their blog and many new bloggers are blogs Ing leave it to.

If this is not happening with you, then you should tell one more thing that it takes more than 6 months to get organic traffic on any new blog or website, hence the beginning of blogging career - you need to have some patience in the beginning. Let's come back to the point at the blog ko rank kaise kare we were talking about the keyword If you do not know what the keyword is, then you can read this post.
2 - How to rank the blog - As soon as your keyword gets selected, to write a post, then you have to use your keyword at the beginning of the post title if your title of post is bigger and make the title of the post a little too attractive. In order to show your post to google in front of a visitor or reader, it may be desirable to read it.

If you keep the title short, then you should give another advice to keep the title of the post a bit bigger and always use the long tail keyword, the main reason for this is that today's short keyword keywords are very competitive, long tail keyword Again you will understand that your blog ko rank kaise kare will be able to understand you better in this post about SEO.

How to rank a blog Post in Google Search and 5 SEO Tips to Rank Blog post:
After the title, you also have to use the keyword in the permalink of the post. If you have written the keyword at the beginning of the title, permalink automatically takes the keyword but put another word in the title first, The permalink has to be modified. So far we have talked about 2 tips from 5 seo tips to rank the blog. We will know better and better, you will follow these tips. Your blog rank kaise will not be
write a blog.

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3 - How to rank the blog : Now you have to use the keyword also in the meta description. Once you have to type in English and its synonyms must be written once, if you are new to blogging and you do not know what happens in the meta description I can also tell about it when you search any word or topic in a search engine like google or bing, then the results from that topic are show in front of us which contains 3 things including titles, permalinks and me Ta description as you can see in the lower image.
4 -How to rank the block :  Now it's time to write a blog post which also has a tariq. It is also very important to get 5 seo tips to rank the blog. You have to follow it right away, then only you will learn how to blog In the description, you have to write your keyword in the first paragraph at the beginning and have to enter at least 2 headings within the post and in which you have to use the keyword and when the post ends, the last Also, in writing about the title of the post again, read about it and ask the reader how to do it and along with it is also an appeal to subscribe to your blog.

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How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips:
How to rank the blog and one particular thing is to maintain your keyword density as per google. Keyword density should not be more than 2.5% if it does, then it should be understood as keyword stuffing, google should never rank your post And if this continues to happen continuously, then maybe your blog will never get ranked, so keep the keyword density from 1% to 2%, this is very safe and the post should be at least 500 to 1000 words To write.

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5- How to rank the block- 5 Top Tips for Ranking Blogs and Powerful Tips to Enhanced Bloggers, and Write Good and High Quality Content, by which no one can stop your blog from rank As much as in the post, they write their own written copy, do not copy paste, Google is too smart, checks your post before indexing it and captures copy paste immediately. Always keep the rabbits away.
How to rank a blog post in google search and 5 SEO tips
Thank you... ..........

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