बुधवार, 26 दिसंबर 2018

How to Share wifi without Password

How to Share wifi without Password - Share without WIFI Wi-Fi

If you have a Wi-Fi connection then often you have to share it with friends who come home, for which you have to tell them their password, but this is the way. With which you can share without password (without password) with your Wi-Fi buddies -

If your relative or relative chooses to have a Wi-Fi connection in your home, you can share your Wi-Fi connection without hesitation, for that all you have to do -

How to Share wifi Without Password - Share like this without any Wi-Fi password

  • Most of your home Wi-Fi connection QR code will make
  • For this, there are a lot of sites on the Internet, where you can go to Generate QR code, there is a similar site, go to zxing.appspot.com and click on QR Code Generator.

Share wifi without Giving Password

  • Here you will see a form, above this you will see the contents dropdown menu, there will be a lot of options in it, you have to choose wifi network.
  • After this, the second option is SSID, add the name of your Wi-Fi network.
  • Now enter the same password in password that is the password for your network.
  • Just click on Generate, then you will get a QR code, download it by clicking on the Download button below and download it and print it on a paper.
  • That's it, now if your friend asks you to share your Wi-Fi, ask him to scan this QR code, after doing so, he will be able to use your Wi-Fi network without any password.

How to Share wifi without Password - Share without WIFI Wi-Fi

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